Calculus B
Homework Help Hours
M:6-7pm HH129
T: 5-7pm HH129
Course Overview
Calculus B is the second part of a two-course sequence designed for non-STEM majors at the University of Notre Dame. This course builds on foundational calculus concepts, focusing on applications and methods that are essential for understanding the mathematical world around us.
Key Topics Include:
- Integration and Applications: Techniques and applications of integration, including finding areas, volumes, and solving problems in physics like density, work, and energy.
- Advanced Integration Methods: U-substitution, integration by parts, trigonometric substitution, partial fractions, improper integrals, and numerical integration techniques.
- Two-Variable Calculus: Partial derivatives, double integrals, and applications in both Cartesian and polar coordinates.
- Introduction to Differential Equations and Numerical Methods: Basic differential equations, along with numerical solutions, and Lagrange multipliers.
- Sequences and Series: Convergence tests (including ratio test), geometric and infinite series, power series, and Taylor polynomials.
The course emphasizes real-world applications of mathematics, helping students develop strong problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and the ability to synthesize solutions across different contexts.
The notes seen below are from when I was a teaching assistant (i.e. ran the tutorial) in Spring 2022. They are organized weekly topic. I will be replacing them with daily notes as the semester goes on.
Attendance: google form
Exit Tickets: Exit Tickets
Week01A. Derivative and Integral Review
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Week01B. (Re-)Defining Natural Log
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Week01C. Inverse trigonometric Functions
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Week02B. Integration Techniques I
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Week02C. Exponential Growth and Decay
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Week03A. Area Between Curves and Volumes with Uniform Cross-sections
view notes video lecture on volumes with uniform crossection
Week03B. Density and Average of a Continuous Function
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Week04A. Work and Energy
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Week04B. Workshop: Application of Integrals
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Week04C. Integration by Parts
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Week05A. Trigonometric Integrals
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Week05B. Partial fraction decomposition
view notes video lecture on polynomial long division video lecture on partial fractions
Week05C. Review Workshop
Week06A. In-class Review
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Week06B. Improper Integrals
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Week06C. Numerical Integration
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Week07A. Introduction to 2-variable Functions
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Week07B. Double Integrals
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Week07C. Introduction to Polar Coordinates
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Week08A. Polar Integration
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Week08B. Saparable Differential Equations
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Week012. Euler's Method and Partial Derivatives
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Week13. Implicit Differentation and Estimating Derivatives
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Week14. Sequences and Series
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